Our Overarching Goals

  • To lead the country from the front, through an innovative combination of global knowledge and local expertise.

  • To continue our nine decades of uncompromising integrity, honesty, excellence, continuous innovation and constant improvement of our standards and technologies.

  • To inspire a sense of pride and ownership amongst our employees.

  • To complete projects of the highest quality on time and within budget, upholding our tradition of being BUILDERS TO THE NATION.

The above are encapsulated in our Vision Statement

“To Consistently build the reputation of Gammon amongst all stakeholders as a respected and influential leader in the Construction and Infrastructure Domain with Global Presence and Local Expertise backed with a sustained focus on attributes of Sustainability and Profitability and Employee engagement and Pride”
“To be leaders in innovation engineering, with uncompromising integrity, timely delivery, pride and ownership and highest standards of quality to reinforce the positioning of the organisation as “Builders to the Nation”.